August 2023

History, significance, and cultural aspects of jade

History and Symbolism of Jade: From Mythical Guardians to Contemporary Elegance

Jade, a gemstone cherished for millennia, holds a profound allure that transcends time and cultures. With its exquisite beauty, lasting endurance, and deep symbolism, jade has captivated both Asian and non-Asian enthusiasts alike. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the rich history, cultural significance, and modern resurgence of this remarkable gemstone.

Jade Texture and Cut

Top 14 Chinese Terms for Jade Texture and Translucency

Jade, the mesmerizing gemstone revered in Chinese culture for millennia, holds a profound significance in art, history, and spirituality. Often referred to as the “Stone of Heaven,” jade has captivated hearts with its exquisite beauty and unique properties. At the heart of its allure lies its texture and translucency, two mesmerizing features that determine its quality and value. Join us on a radiant journey through the world of Chinese jade as we explore fifteen enchanting terms that unveil the magical tapestry of this revered gem.

Ming's of Hawaii

Ming’s Hawaii Jewelry: A Journey Through History

Vintage jewelry holds a charm that transcends time, and among the most cherished pieces are those from Ming’s of Honolulu, Hawaii. Ming’s Hawaii jewelry has a unique allure, blending traditional artistry with the enchanting essence of the islands. In this blog post, we will delve into the captivating history of Ming’s of Honolulu jeweler, explore why Ming’s jade jewelry remains favorite collector items, and discover the exquisite Ming’s jewelry available for sale at the esteemed Vintage Hula Gal shop.