What Does Real Jade Look Like?


Jade, a gemstone treasured for centuries for its beauty and cultural significance, has captivated humanity with its allure. However, distinguishing real jade from imitations or lesser-quality stones can be challenging. This post will guide you through the characteristics that define genuine jade and help you identify it with confidence.

Understanding Jade: Jadeite vs. Nephrite

First, it’s important to know that “jade” refers to two different minerals: jadeite and nephrite. While both are considered true jade, they have distinct differences.

Jadeite: This is the rarer and more valuable type of jade. It comes in a wider range of colors, including green, white, lavender, yellow, red, and black. The most prized jadeite is a vibrant emerald green, often referred to as “Imperial Jade.”

Image: Tiancheng International Jewellery


Nephrite: More common than jadeite, nephrite is typically found in shades of green, white, and brown. It has a creamier appearance and is less translucent than jadeite.

Image: MDPI

Key Characteristics of Real Jade

To determine whether a piece of jade is real, consider the following features:

Color: Authentic jade exhibits vibrant, consistent color. High-quality jadeite, especially Imperial Jade, has an even and intense green hue. Nephrite’s green can vary from dark to light, often with a slightly milky quality. Real jade’s color should not appear too perfect or artificial.

Texture: Jade has a smooth, soapy texture. When you run your fingers over the surface, it should feel polished and cool to the touch. Nephrite tends to have a slightly fibrous or granular structure under magnification, while jadeite appears more granular and dense.

Incolor Magazine

Translucency: Hold the jade up to light. Genuine jade, especially high-quality jadeite, is semi-transparent. You should be able to see light pass through it, though it won’t be completely transparent. Nephrite has a more opaque quality but still allows some light to penetrate.

Weight and Density: Real jade is dense and heavier than most other stones of similar size. This heft is due to its compact molecular structure. When you hold it, genuine jade should feel substantial.


Sound Test: Tap two pieces of jade together. Real jade produces a distinctive, resonant sound, almost musical. This “chime” is a good indicator of authenticity.

Grade A jadeite sound test

Temperature: Authentic jade stays cool to the touch, even in warm conditions. This coolness is a result of jade’s high thermal conductivity.

Testing Methods for Authenticity

If you’re still uncertain about a piece of jade, there are a few testing methods you can try:

  1. Scratch Test: Jade is a hard stone. With a hardness of 6-7 on the Mohs scale for jadeite and 6-6.5 for nephrite, it’s difficult to scratch. Be cautious with this test to avoid damaging the stone.

  2. Refractive Index Test: Using a refractometer, you can measure the stone’s refractive index. Jadeite typically has a refractive index of 1.66, while nephrite ranges from 1.60 to 1.62.

  3. Density Test: Jadeite has a density of about 3.3, and nephrite around 2.95. Comparing the weight to the volume can help determine the stone’s density.

Common Imitations and Enhancements

Beware of common jade imitations such as serpentine, quartz, or glass. These materials can look similar but lack the durability and unique qualities of real jade. Additionally, some jade undergoes treatments to enhance its appearance:

  1. Dyeing: Some jade is dyed to improve or change its color. These stones often have unnaturally vibrant hues and uneven coloring.

  2. Polymer Injection: To improve clarity, some jade is injected with polymer resins. This treatment can make the jade appear more translucent but reduces its value.

  3. Bleaching: Jade can be bleached to remove stains and then impregnated with polymers. This treatment also decreases the stone’s authenticity and worth.


Identifying real jade requires a keen eye and an understanding of its unique characteristics. Whether it’s the vibrant color, smooth texture, cool temperature, or resonant sound, genuine jade stands apart from imitations. By familiarizing yourself with these traits and conducting simple tests, you can appreciate the true beauty and value of this remarkable gemstone. Whether you’re an enthusiast, collector, or simply curious, understanding what real jade looks like will enhance your appreciation of this timeless gem.

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